My Vision for World Health
My vision for world health is to restore our connection to nature and remember that we are a part of it, not separate from it. It can be empowering to be with the idea that the intricate, almost unimaginable level of interconnectedness and intelligence that is required for the universe to exist is within us as well.
We are not an exception to the divinity we observe around us in things like a beautiful sunset or a perfect rose. When we nourish ourselves rather than battling with our bodies, that divinity can express itself more fully.
The current healthcare model
As a society, it seems we have given our power away to those we might consider an "authority" on health. My experience working in hospitals for the past 25+ years has given me an insider's point of view on what is happening in the current "healthcare" model. Most of us were trained to think that when we notice a symptom, it means that something is wrong and we need to eradicate it.
When we experience symptoms, our body is letting us know that something is happening within us that requires our focused attention. In the current model that we are required to subscribe to, we use pharmaceuticals to make symptoms disappear. In truth, more is needed to solve the issue that the body is intelligently drawing our attention to.
Otherwise, we are only masking it.
And so begins the cascade of dis-ease.
A new symptom results in a prescribed new medication, leading to a bigger problem, as the body tries different ways to let us know that all is not well at a deeper level.
When we listen to our bodies and get curious about what is happening within, we can heal rather than mask what is going on. Even more empowering is the ability to SEE what is happening using advanced labs.
Why are advanced labs effective?
Labs take the guesswork out of what the body asks for to restore balance. This is a vastly different solution-based approach than subscribing to pharmaceuticals.
Does it require more time and effort to heal rather than deferring to the so-called easy route?
Yes, it does!
However, in the end, humanity wants to heal.
Most people DO want to understand what is happening in their bodies and ARE willing to make the necessary changes to move towards wellness.
Please join me in my vision of a world where all humans have the resources and capabilities to heal from within. If we are not healthy, we are not free. I place nothing at a higher value than our personal sovereignty, so I have made it my mission to help people re-establish control over their individual health.
You can align with my vision by making one choice today that serves you only. One choice and one conversation at a time can enhance awareness that the current model is not improving our health. It is called the "healthcare industry" because, sadly, it requires us to be ill in order to thrive.
Whenever you take the time to get outside, make a healthy food choice, or sleep in for an extra 10 minutes, you take a step toward becoming a healthier version of yourself.
And that empowers and inspires others to do the same.
In health,